Three Facts Professional Dietitians and Bodybuilders Want You to Know

08/16/2023 0 Comments

Today, we’re going to unveil three crucial facts that professional dietitians and bodybuilders want you to know. Whether you’re aiming to transform your physique or simply improve your overall health, understanding these key insights will set you on the right path. This way, you will know which one is simply the best mass gainer that will work for you. Now, let’s dig deeper and separate fact from fiction when it comes to protein shakes, post-workout fueling, and enjoying your favorite foods while still building muscle.

Protein Shakes Aren’t Witchcraft Magic for Gaining Muscle Mass

Protein shakes have become almost synonymous with muscle building in the fitness world. Many people believe that simply chugging down a protein shake will magically transform them into a ripped and muscular individual overnight. However, professional dietitians and bodybuilders want you to know that protein shakes are not some kind of mystical elixir.

Building muscle demands a combination of proper nutrition, consistent training, adequate rest, and overall lifestyle choices. In fact, relying solely on protein shakes while neglecting other aspects of your diet can actually hinder your progress. Whole foods like lean meats, poultry, fish, eggs, dairy products, legumes, and nuts offer a wide range of nutrients that contribute to muscle development – not just protein alone.

You Don’t Need Protein Right After Every Workout

As you catch your breath and wipe away the sweat, you may be tempted to reach for that protein shake right away. But here’s a fact that professional dietitians and bodybuilders want you to know: You don’t need protein right after every workout. Contrary to popular belief, no such “magic window” of opportunity should immediately follow your workout.

The idea that you must consume protein within a certain time frame has been debunked by scientific research. While it’s true that protein is vital for muscle repair and growth, the timing of when you consume it doesn’t have as big of an impact as once thought. Instead of obsessing over-consuming protein immediately post-workout, focus on meeting your overall daily protein needs.

Building Muscle Means Saying Goodbye to Your Favorite Foods

We hear and read it often that when building muscle, you can’t indulge in your favorite foods without any consequences. However, professional dietitians and bodybuilders want you to know this is not entirely true. In fact, incorporating your favorite foods into your diet can actually be beneficial for long-term success. It’s all about balance and moderation.

While certain foods may not be as nutrient-dense as others, there is still room for them in a well-rounded diet. The key is to make smart choices and practice portion control. You don’t have to completely eliminate pizza or ice cream from your life – just enjoy them in moderation. This way, you can satisfy your cravings without derailing your progress.

All in all, it pays to focus on consuming adequate amounts of quality protein from whole food sources, prioritize post-workout nutrition without stressing over precise timing, and find balance by allowing yourself occasional indulgences. Trust the experts who know their stuff – professional dietitians and bodybuilders – because they’ve mastered the art of fueling their bodies effectively for optimal performance.…

The Benefits of Testosterone for Muscle Gain

11/24/2022 0 Comments

Are you looking to increase your muscle mass? If so, a testosterone booster may be the right choice for you. Testosterone is a hormone that is responsible for many aspects of male health, including muscle growth and development. In this blog post, we will discuss the benefits of testosterone for muscle gain. Let’s get started.

Testosterone Increases the Size of Your Muscles

Testosterone is an essential hormone for men and women, produced mainly in the testicles of males. It plays an important role in muscle growth and development. Testosterone helps to increase lean body mass, bone mass, and strength, as well as decrease fat mass. Studies have shown that testosterone increases muscle size by stimulating protein synthesis, as well as reducing muscle breakdown. Testosterone also increases the number of satellite cells in muscle tissue, which helps to build new and larger muscle fibers.

Testosterone Boosts Your Energy Levels

exhaustedTestosterone plays an important role in providing energy for your muscles. It helps to increase glycogen stores, which are responsible for producing energy during exercise. Testosterone also increases ATP production and oxygen availability, which helps to power your muscles during a workout. Additionally, testosterone can increase endurance levels by improving the body’s ability to use fat for energy.

Testosterone Enhances Your Recovery Time

Studies have shown that testosterone supplementation can improve recovery time after a hard workout. Testosterone helps to increase collagen synthesis and reduce muscle tissue breakdown, which helps your muscles recover more quickly. It also boosts the production of red blood cells, which helps transport oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. This can help speed up the recovery process and improve performance during future workouts.

Testosterone Improves Strength

Testosterone is known to increase strength and power in healthy male athletes. Studies have shown that testosterone supplementation can improve maximal strength, explosive power, and muscle mass. Testosterone also helps to increase neuromuscular coordination, which is essential for improving performance during sports or weightlifting.

Testosterone has been shown to have a positive impact on muscle mass and strength. If you’re looking for ways to increase your testosterone levels, consider adding some exercises to your daily routine. Not only will they help boost your testosterone levels, but they’ll also help you build muscle and get stronger. Have you tried any of these exercises? What was your experience?…

What Affects the Absorption Rate of CBD Oil

cbd oil
02/19/2021 0 Comments

When we are ingesting a pharmaceutical drug, we expect that we get instant relief from the symptoms that are bothering us. Just like when we take Zilis CBD OIl, there is always an expectation that we get fast results so that we can be relieved of pain and any other manifestations of an ailment.

When choosing CBD oil, one of the most important thing to consider is its efficacy. We can only get instant relief when a pharmaceutical drug or CBD oil is absorbed by the body. The degree of absorption is called bioavailability. This is an important thing to know when buying CBD oil so that you can get the desired results fast and quick. But what makes a CBD oil to be absorbed faster than other brands? Here are some reasons.

Application Method

cbd oil applicationThe method that you use to take in the CBD oil also have to do with the bioavailability of CBD oil. It is proven that transdermal injection is the fastest way of CBD getting absorbed because it is directed to the bloodstream. In contrast topical CBD is the slowest. Oral ingestion is observed to be one of the slowest absorption rate as it have to go through many parts of the body and processes before getting absorbed.

Water Solubility

A CBD oil should be water soluble in order for it to be absorbed by the body quickly. Water can be quickly absorbed from the digestive and respiratory tracts and enters the blood stream where it distributed to individual cells of the body. The human body is 60% water, so it really helps if a CBD oil is water soluble. When you are taking CBD oil for pain, this should be the most important thing to find out in a CBD oil before buying.

Health Conditions

Do you know that having a liver dysfunction can mean that the CBD that you are taking in can have more absorption rate than one with normal liver? This is because the liver functions to remove CBD from our system and prepare it excrete from the body. When this organ is impaired, CBD will stay longer in the circulation and have greater chance of being absorbed.


cbd oil dosageIncreasing the dosage of the CBD you are taking means that you are also increasing its rate of absorption. But be careful not to reach the ceiling level which only stagnates the rate of absorption.

It is also noted that CBD has higher absorption rate when it is orally ingested with food than when you take it with an empty stomach. In contrast to the belief of many, heated CBD has lower rate of absorption than unheated forms. When taking oral CBD, you can take it with fats or piperine supplement to boost CBD absorption.…

How CBD Can Help You to Sleep

CBD products
08/02/2020 0 Comments

Sleep problems are a big issue that affects many people across the world. Among the Americans, millions have reported issues with sleeplessness and trouble falling asleep. The majority of these people resort to prescriptions and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs. Unfortunately, these drugs come with many warnings on possible side effects. On top of that, these drugs can be addictive or even not be so effective.

As a way of seeking relief from sleeplessness and other issues, people have turned to CBD Oil. CBD’s effect on persons with insomnia and sleeplessness differs from one person to another based on each individual’s biology and tolerance level. However, those looking for a solution to sleep problems can count on CBD. It is a safe and non-addictive alternative to the prescriptions and OTCs and has manifested great potential in treating sleep disorders. So, how can CBD help you deal with sleep problems?

Relieve Pain

back painSome people struggle with sleeplessness or interrupted sleep due to chronic or acute pain. Most of them have to rely on pharmaceutical drugs which, as earlier stated, may not be so effective and pose some health risks.

Fortunately, CBD has shown great promise in reducing pain-induced sleeplessness. The beauty of CBD for pain-induced sleep issues is that it deals with the symptoms themselves instead of offering a sedative effect, as is the case with most of the sleep-aids.

Reduce Anxiety

Anxiety and stress rank high among the causes of sleeplessness . With your mind racing or head spinning, you can barely catch a nap, and when this goes on for several days, you may be so fatigued and suffer other problems. The good news is that CBD can regulate cortisol, a stress hormone that influences the non-REM sleep cycles. Several studies have proven that CBD is quite effective in dealing with anxiety-related insomnia and significantly improves sleep quality.

Dealing with Pregnancy Symptoms

pregnant ladyThe majority of women have trouble sleeping during pregnancy due to a myriad of factors. These include nausea, stress, pain, and general pregnancy-related insomnia. Although the research on CBD’s effect on pregnant women is still inadequate, the World Health Organization (WHO) has not yet reported any adverse effects from CBD on pregnant women. However, it is recommended that pregnant women seek their doctor’s advice before using CBD.

CBD oil can help a great deal with sleep disorders, as you can see from the above discussion. Besides, the compound helps eliminate nightmares that interfere with good sleep and soothes sore muscles due to workouts or any other thing, thus promoting good sleep.…